Micro Learning
Athena Micro has developed a platform for corporates to utilise this highly effective learning method through the use of high impact Card Sets that allow content providers to “push” material directly to the mobile phones of their employees. Employees can then go through the content in a matter of minutes and have the training at their fingertips for future reference.

Gender Based Violence
Gender-based violence has become one of the largest obstacles facing South Africa. With some of the highest rates of rape and sexual assault in the world, we are compelled to find a solution to this growing monster that threatens to destroy the possibility of social and economic stability as well as protecting our workforce from the daily dangers they face.
Athena Micro has developed a Card Set to build awareness around this huge problem and assist companies in achieving their Duty of Care towards their employees around one of the largest social issues in the country. This GBV awareness course is already loaded on the Athena Micro system for companies to give to their staff instantly for just the cost of a single cup of coffee.